START: Ganama Beach, Sarifos DESTINATION: Temple of Poseidon, Sounion.

Every single day during our voyage was different than the other. And most of us felt the experience was better and overwhelming than the previous one. As we were coming close to end of the journey, there wasn’t much to left in our wishlist. Some of us were talking about the marine life — we had not seen much of  the sea creatures, except few dolphins, and small (very small) fish (but absolutely no sea monster).

This day will mark with something we talked about but could not expect that it will happen. Chris was the one to notice that there were lots of Dolphins who were jumping around and playing close to the Bow of the boat. We went to the bow and sat there with camera ready to grab any action. And there they were. I have been to seaworld and many cool aquariums, but this was something much spectacular – Dolphins were all about getting our attention. During the whole course of motoring (i.e. no wind, no sailing) to Sounion, we witness atleast 3 cohorts of dolphins — at least 100s of them. Words won’t summarize the feelings, but pictures may give you the feel. enjoy.

Playing-with-dolphins-00016One would think that taking pictures of wild creatures is easy and same goes for Dolphins. Those who have never been in this setting may picture dolpins jumping out of the water will be usual occuring, so I thought too. But Dolphins as I witnessed were more about running around under the surface and racing with the boat close to the bow. I was keeping my camera at burst mode, and too approximately 500 shots, but it was almost impossible to capture them out of the water, jumping into the water. There are few of those shots,, which will decorate my desktop for years to come.

Playing-with-dolphins-0020    Playing-with-dolphins-00199   Playing-with-dolphins-0341This was among those rarest of shots when I was able to focus camera at the right directions at the right time. Folks, it’s not easy — hats off to those pros who spend days taking one of those rare shots.
